U23075 - FAR - Repair and Tuckpoint Exterior Masonry - Phase 2 & 3
Pre-Bid Information
12/16/2024 10:00 AM CT
A mandatory virtual pre-bid conference for all parties interested in
bidding the project will be held on Zoom. FIRST mandatory pre-bid conference at 10:00
AM on 12/9/2024 through US: +1 312 626 6799, Meeting ID: 833 0022 2555, Password:
1867. SECOND mandatory pre-bid conference at 10:00 AM on 12/16/2024 with number:
US: +1 312 626 6799, Meeting ID: 813 5383 8244, Password: 1867. All prospective bidders
are REQUIRED to attend only one of the pre-bid conferences offered.
Bid Information
01/29/2025 02:00 PM CT
Electronic Bids will be received up to the hour of 2:00 PM, prevailing time,
on 1/29/2025.
Electronic bids will be electronically opened and publicly
read on 1/29/2025 at 2:30 PM CST on a Zoom call-in telephone number US: +1
312 626 6799, Meeting ID: 898 4214 0493, Password: 1867 and tabulated. A
recording of the bid opening is available upon request.
Deadline for bidder Requests for Information (RFI) is January 14, 2025.
Site Visit Information
December 10, 2024 at the north elevation of Trelease Hall at 1001 West College Court,
Urbana, IL 61801. Representatives of the Owner and the Professional Services Consultant
will be present to answer questions regarding the project and bidding procedures.
The project scope includes shelf angle replacement, resetting of existing coping units,
masonry tuckpointing, isolated brick replacement and rebuild, precast concrete mullion
repairs and sealant replacement at precast concrete and masonry joints.
Refer to Division 01 of the technical specifications for a complete, detailed breakdown of
the base bids and alternates for this project.
This project includes a Project Labor Agreement that will be executed between the lowest
responsible/responsive bidder and the East Central Illinois Building and Construction
Trades Council. A copy of the Project Labor Agreement is included at the end of Section
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